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<   BACK    IBERIA2001  #4  Innsbruck   NEXT  >


        Up and at'em in the AM and catch a cab to the new BMW facility, go through the paper process and drive out with the new BMW.  We decide to head directly to Innsbruck [bruck=bridge, over river Inn] and got a room at the same hotel (Alpotel-Tirol) we stayed at last time.  Did my run through the main downtown area which was very quiet and then to the old part of town and discovered there was a public concert starting of traditional �sterreich music by a large Austrian orchestra dressed in traditional garb.  I ran back to the hotel to get Marcia and we got back in time to hear most of it.  After strolling around the altstadt for a while we returned to the Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) where we again enjoyed the best Hungarian goulash and typical Austrian fare (worsts & pork with sauerkraut and mustard).  A nice change from pasta everyday.  This is a beautiful little city that you could spend a week or more in.

Goldenes Dachl Restaurant and Marcia in Old Town


Main Street  and Austrian Outdoor Concert


Hotel Alpotel Tirol and Coffees With Sacher Torte



My run the next morning came across the most beautiful purple corvette.  What a surprise that the color really looks good on a Vette.  I had never seen that before.  Found a great place for a cappuccino and strolling the town with Marcia again, we decided it was time to head out.  Two days ago we attempted to get a reservation at our favorite place, Hotel Sirmione, and to our great surprise we were able to get two days in high season at such short notice.  The Austrians require the purchase of a sticker on the car to drive on their autobahns.  We forgot to do it this time so we were hoping we could get to the border before we got caught.  No luck getting on-line at these hotels, so this may arrive later.  Aufwiedersehen.

KJH                                                                                                                     Go To -> NEXT DIARIO #5 

Kenneth J. Hoffer, MD

KHofferMD@AOL.com            RETURN TO INDEX

Innsbruck, Austria

Sent 7-28-01

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